At the start of our conversation and Mptdoh - the fifth branch - we want / underline verse
( In the name of God the Merciful / adopt Christianity and God helps you ' Almighty God ) and the support of God is concerned - in the light of our understanding of the profile of the state precious Hoalaltazam provisions of religion in religious matters and worldly
The sense to walk the straight path my father chalking true religion in general in various walks of life multi ' and the same principle leads us to put our brothers in the homeland they are Copts or Christians - the proportion of Christ peace be upon him - ( Jesus peace be upon him ) teachings of Christianity magnanimous lead Christians and everyone, to walk on the DAT the straight path and my father makes an individual earns his religion and worldly affairs and by up to victory in all its forms and meanings.
Accordingly, in light of those provided due / Valaqgual Sayings for all world champions but they are the product of life experience to its owner ' life is rich in various events, personal and sports -related owner may be connected Bamahatin by ' resulted in the assessment of each experiment separately reached by the International Sports to the wisdom and meaningful drafted in certain words later became due for its value ( aphorism ) is the light of truth to a certain stage of the Athletic ALD ' principle may be reached after many years became the aphorism as a result of the experience of life by defeats and victories .
And advice from the founder of the site and based on the wisdom of famous among the wise says
In the form of a question / is GardianZ - of misery and fatigue - and is happy .
Answer / GardianZ of Pay attention to himself - any drove by himself facets negative before the positive that I found - and happy from Pay attention to other (ie, benefited from the experiences of others and ended with him and learn from the difficulties they faced without fighting those odds himself so does not suffer and grief ) .
Be happy and then learn from the experiences of global heroes ' and Avtun - understand any - meaningful words Sayings Had some few words .
We will start the most important is what the king of Egypt marathon .
Ghussain first / most important is what the king of marathon Egyptian / late hero ( Captain ) / Mahmoud Abdul Karim .
Anlage of Captain / Mahmoud Abdul Karim . (Based on personal information from the site's founder, told her and others ' pro sufficient evidence ' before his death )
Answer / Born Hero International / Mahmoud Abdul-Karim ' in Esna in Upper Egypt governorate of Qena ' in 1919 - has shown revolution 1919 -
Obtained the certificate Preparatory School then - was that period the certificate Preparatory something respectable and has consider it - then volunteered to serve the armed forces and taken it Promotions in the military regime as applied ' and for the achievements of the national champion was Egypt in the marathon ( 195 m .42 k) ' and such Army in world Military Championship and won the second and the fourth world military in the world again.
The biggest achievements of receiving a golden Mediterranean Games in Barcelona in 1955 , competing in the marathon ahead of time champion Spain .
The Egyptian ambassador was received by Spain to the finish line despite hugs Tsbbh sweat ' to the value of what we achieved , where not won any Egyptian yet
- 01/12/2013 AD Date of writing - Bdehbah another marathon in the massage sessions at the international level of the Sea of average games or otherwise .
Karam and time of the late leader / Gamal Abdel Nasser champion of the poor and vulnerable in the ground 'as generosity of Marshal / Abdul Hakim Amer, ' I have seen pictures with the leader of the nation / Gamal Abdel Nasser ' , where he was kept throughout that period .
He knew the leaders of the armed forces has shown the exercise of that game and before and after his retirement , and international competition until she passed away ( the king of the marathon ) .
He was trained with the legendary hero / Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia Dhpety owner of the Olympic Games in 1960 '1964 AD , Rome and Tokyo in the marathon competition .
And his own personal marathon two hours and twenty seven minutes h2, 27
Knowing that at the end of the fifties ( the Finnish legend Emile Zatopak
Has won three Olympic Dhabiyat in the 5 km '10 km ' in the same session of the Olympic marathon and marathon finale of his time was two hours ' and twenty- six
It was the time of the Egyptian king of the marathon in the period, two hours and twenty-nine minutes - a little difference which indicates that the value of the times achieved in that period, 'which did not participate in that session Olympic reasons beyond his control no room to talk about it here )
Has fathered many children during the three and four beyond professionalism ' and his love for the marathon was the name of his daughter / Marathuna .
Continued to train generations of senior Champions Perhaps the most famous hero International champion Egypt Captain Alexandrian / Abdul Hamid T ' holder of the Egyptian in 5000 AD ' 10,000 meters and investigator year 1971 and steadfast from then until the present day ' and the honor of Captain / founder of the site to train at the hands knead Hero Big ' Captain / Mahmoud Abdul-Karim ' and was the founder of the site of recent generations , which won the honor knead where everyone is aware of the foundations have been long-distance running, and the philosophy of several principles of hard to teach one person to another
It will Npinha months in his aphorisms and some tips that donated to his players , which will give them to you alive Dkry Egyptian king of the marathon
Captain / Mahmoud Abdul-Karim ' My father died for God's mercy at dawn on Friday, 11.02.2011 M' and approved the same day stepped down , former President / Mohamed Hosni Mubarak ' winding up - any hero - Life began a revolution in 1919 and ended with the victory will of the people came out on January 25 2011 to win his freedom .
Fatiha and ask the spirit of the January 25 revolutionaries ' and the spirit of the king of the marathon .
The distance / months it is what the king of the marathon is to say proverb /
Guidelines Egyptian king marathon
By god helb / will be continuemore -
Good Advices From MR Hussein Ben Zercinat
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